One of my favourite snacks at Christmas time is Nuts and Bolts. My Grandma would make it every year at Christmas time and when we would spend Christmases with her and my Grandpa in Gibsons, BC. I always looked for that red and white bowl filled with Nuts and Bolts.
This year, for the first time, I made Nuts and Bolts with Jake to keep up tradition and also so I could have a delicious snack every day! The two ingredients that make it extra special is the sauce and Planters Peanuts. You can use any flavour of peanuts but personally I love the Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts. They have the perfect crunch and salty flavour which fits in beautifully in this Nuts and Bolts Mix (The recipe is at the bottom of the page!)
Jake and I gathered bowls filled with all the different “Nuts and Bolts” we wanted for our mix and then dumped them all in a big roasting pan.
What I love about this recipe is that you can customize it to your personal preference. We used Crispix, Shreddies, Pretzel Sticks, Multi Grain Cheerios and Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts. You could add almonds, cashews, Chex cereal….sky’s the limit!

Then, we poured the sauce over the mixture and Jake stirred it all together!
We may have done a little taste testing along the way 🙂
You bake the mixture in the oven and that’s it! The perfect mixture of sweet, salty and crunch all season long. We like to snack on it daily and also package it up and bring it as a hostess gift or to bless our neighbours.
Share some love this season and make your favourite Christmas snack a double match to give to others. Thanks to Planters Peanuts for helping us add a little crunch to our favourite Christmas snack. I didn’t know Planters also has Grab N Go snack packs filled with nuts, seeds and sometimes a few chocolates. They are perfect for our family especially during the holiday season when we are always zipping out the door for something! I throw a few in my diaper bag and my kids have a healthy, convenient snack for those extra long line ups. Our favourites are the Vitality Mix and Trail Mix Nut, Candy and Fruit mix!
Here is our recipe for Nuts and Bolts: (Preheat oven to 250 degrees)
2 cups Cheerios
2 cups Cripsix (or Corn Chex)
1 cup of Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts
1 cup of Pretzels
1. Mix all the dry ingredients together in a large roasting pan.
2. In a saucepan, melt 3Tbsp butter, 2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce, 1/2 tsp onion salt, 1/2 tsp celery salt, 1/4 tsp garlic salt. When melted, pour over mixture in roasting pan, stirring until coated evenly.
3. Bake in oven for 45 minutes, stirring every 20 minutes or so.
4. Remove, let cool, and then enjoy!!